Thursday, 16 June 2011

Year Book Art (Year End Review Page)

     This semester I also took yearbook. We did lots of different photography, but my favourite project was "The Year End Review". Instead of it being a photography assignment, it was more of an art project. A fellow student, Grace Esford and I were partner up to creat the last two pages of the yearbook, that is visual images of the important or biggest things that happen this year. We started by doing each our own brainstorming and then getting together to create the best list. We then decided who was going to do what drawings. For awhile we were sketching away to each get about twenty drawings done. Some of the drawings I did were of Lil Wayne, Kanye's Dark Fatasy album, Pretty Little Liars, B.O.B, Nicki Minaj Pink Friday album, Toy Story, the Superbowl Green Bay Packers Win, and many more. When all drawings were finally done and shaded dark enough, we scanned all of them into the computer. Once all drawings were on the computer, I was assigned to combine all the images into a college. I used a two page spread in Photoshop to size, enhance contrast, and draw in extra images. It was alot of fun to draw all the images and then put it all together and see the final outcome.

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